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Stevns Klint is a Unesco world heritage site

In the summer of 2014, with great fanfare, Stevns Klint was named as a Unesco world heritage site.

To be included on the Unesco list as a world heritage site, a place needs to have had a unique, universal significance for current and future generations of humanity. Stevns Klint tells the story of one of the most dramatic events in the history of Earth and life itself.

In the midst of the beautiful white cliffs, between the chalk and clay layers, there is a thin layer of sediment called the fish layer which marks the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary. Here one can see the scar of the giant natural disasters that violently changed the earth around 66 million years ago. A time of unprecedented volcanism and a giant asteroid impact in Mexico, that led to a mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs and over half of all animal species on Earth.

Stevns Klint is one of the best places in the world to study this Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary.

The Unesco World Heritage list is the most beautiful collection of places in the world, encompassing natural and cultural sites, that today includes 1007 places.

Help us preserve our world heritage!

A dining experience with a view of world heritage

Rødvig Inn and Seaside Hotel has the unique pleasure of having Rødvig’s best views of Stevns Klint. From all of our public areas and from some of our rooms on the first floor, our guests can enjoy the view onto this amazing part of the history of our world in style and comfort. We also offer a relaxed outdoors dining area where you can enjoy the sights, sounds and atmosphere created by Stevns Klint and the Baltic Sea.

Find out more information

You can read more about Stevns Klint here
